Blog Call Statistics: Interactive Charts And Employee Performance

Call Statistics: Interactive Charts And Employee Performance

Bitrix24 tips and updates
Bitrix24 Team
1 min
Updated: April 5, 2023
Bitrix24 Team
Updated: April 5, 2023
Call Statistics: Interactive Charts And Employee Performance

Thinking about improving sales team productivity and customer satisfaction? Meet Call Statistics in Bitrix24, a special call data tool, analyzing quantitative information on calls & tracking your operators performance.


Call information is grouped into 2 main sections:

  • Call Summary -  number of incoming, outgoing or missed calls, time of calls, call density, the dynamics compared to the previous period, etc.
  • Employee Performance – employee involvement, average call duration, missed call reaction.

Charts are interactive so if you put the arrow on the chart marker, you will see the summary information for the item, for example, the number of calls on a certain date. You can move columns and adjust filters as well.

This statistics includes all calls - both via the built-in Bitrix24 telephony and calls made via REST- and SIP-integrations.

If you want to start selling smarter, consider one of Bitrix24 commercial plans with advanced telephony & call statistics provided.

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