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Streamline Your Xero Invoicing With Bitrix24 Self-Hosted
Streamline Your Xero Invoicing With Bitrix24 Self-Hosted
Wouldn’t it be great to get your quotes and invoices sorted in both Bitrix24 and Xero and have matching automatically? Data sync between Xero and Bitrix24 Self-Hosted is now available in auto mode by Bitrix24 Gold Partner Webbee Ltd.
3 min
Call Statistics: Interactive Charts And Employee Performance
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Call Statistics: Interactive Charts And Employee Performance

Thinking about improving sales team productivity and customer satisfaction? Meet Call Statistics in Bitrix24, a special call data tool, analyzing quantitative information on calls & tracking your operators performance.

1 min
New: Video Call Recordings From Desktop App
Bitrix24 tips and updates
New: Video Call Recordings From Desktop App
There is no doubt that having your meetings, discussions & screen demonstrations recorded can come in handy in particular situations. From now on video call recordings are available in Bitrix24.
1 min
Smart Scripts And More CRM Updates
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Smart Scripts And More CRM Updates
We are glad to inform you that we've updated Bitrix24 CRM with some cool features
1 min
One Of A Kind Bitrix24 Partner Program
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Bitrix24 Partner Program

Nowadays, it is a gold standard for business to be online. The cloud industry and SaaS market keep booming and brimming with opportunities for partners.

3 min
The Best CRM Use Cases Beyond Sales Management
The Best CRM Use Cases Beyond Sales Management
A CRM is a structure that enables businesses to optimize their relationships with clients. This system should be available to all or, at least, most departments of the organization.
9 min
Steps to an Effective Sales Compensation Plan
Human resources
Steps to an Effective Sales Compensation Plan
Each year, companies compile a sales compensation plan. By doing so, business owners express their gratitude to staff members who help the organization to grow. This incentive encourages professionals to further progress and motivates them to outperform their rivals. The procedure of building the plan is rather complex and involves professionals from several departments.
7 min
The 5 Best Marketing Project Management Software
Tasks and projects
The 5 Best Marketing Project Management Software
The competition among developers is fierce but only a few brands managed to gain truly massive recognition. In this review, you will discover a hand-picked selection of top-notch marketing project management software. Discover the key features of each product, compare their strong and weak points and select the one that suits you best.
8 min
7 Best Project Task Management Software for Accountants
Tasks and projects
7 Best Project Task Management Software for Accountants
All industries have their own requirements when it comes to project planning software. So which one is good for accountants? Here is a comparison of 7 different platforms for successful task management.
6 min
The Best Sales Incentives Programs
Human resources
The Best Sales Incentives Programs
To encourage your best employees to deliver consistently better results, you might want to compile a sales incentives program. In this review, we will try to analyze the best sales incentive programs so that you can detect the one that suits best your business.
14 min
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