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Bitrix24 tips and updates
Total management of email correspondence via Bitrix24’s CRM
Management of Email Correspondence via Bitrix24’s CRM
Bitrix24’s CRM manages email correspondence with contacts, companies and leads and can receive and append incoming email to the appropriate CRM object or record.
4 min
Mobile CRM, lists, video calls, announcements and a lot more are now in Bitrix24
Mobile CRM, lists, video calls, announcements and a lot more are now in Bitrix24
Over the last few days, a lot of updates have been made in Bitrix24. Here is the list of it.
5 min
CRM lead creation external sources
Bitrix24 tips and updates
How To: Lead creation from external services
Suppose you have a form on a site that visitors can fill out. You can use the data received in this form to create a lead in the CRM. 
4 min
File sharing in Bitrix24
Tasks and projects
File sharing in Bitrix24
Bitrix24 has a new function which allows the creation of an “external” link to a particular file, so that it can be shared with external users.

2 min
New stuff in Activity Stream: Polls, Appreciations and Smart Follow Mode
New stuff in Activity Stream: Polls, Appreciations and Smart Follow Mode (Year 2012)
Now the Activity Stream is the main tool for information exchange in the intranet, and we have made a number of changes that make it even more useful for daily communications. 

2 min
How to find social intranet that will work for your company
Business development
How to find social intranet that will work for your company
Here are some pointers collected from people who develop and deploy social intranet solutions for a living.
3 min
The CRM in Bitix24
The CRM in Bitrix24
The CRM System in Bitrix24 handles interactions with clients and potential clients, and/or with partners, journalists, and other persons. Its objective is to provide a convenient and transparent tool which improves relationship quality and therefore the bottom line.
7 min
Access rights in CRM
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Access rights in CRM
Access rights in the CRM are based on roles. There are four default roles which can be used or modified as needed. Learn about them inside.
3 min
Ways to share files in Bitrix24
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Ways to share files in Bitrix24
There are a few methods for sharing files in Bitrix24. We described them for you in this article.
2 min
Workgroups. Extranet.
Tasks and projects
Workgroups. Extranet.
Extranet is a web zone inside your Bitrix24 instance created so that company employees can productively collaborate with authorized users from third parties such as clients, suppliers, or partners.

2 min
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