
Read articles on CRM from Bitrix24

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CDP vs CRM: What's the difference?
Boost Sales with CRM
CDP vs CRM: What's the difference?
We will look at a customer data platform vs CRM. Which one is best suited for your business? The article contains the definitions of each system, its key functions and benefits, and the main differences.
11 min
Best CRM for Recruiters
Boost Sales with CRM
Best CRM for Recruiters
The difficulty is that the market of CRM systems is very extensive: different products have a different interface, a set of options, etc. This article will show you where to start and how to choose the right CRM, which will have everything your company needs (and will not be superfluous).

11 min
8 Alternatives to Gantt Charts
Boost Sales with CRM
8 Alternatives to Gantt Charts
In this article, you'll find a selection of top-notch Gantt chart alternatives that have been widely used by businesses from different spheres.
6 min
Best CRM for transportation
Boost Sales with CRM
Best CRM for transportation
If you run a company that specializes in transportation and logistics, you should buy a top-end CRM for it. From this article, you'll get to know how to choose a worthy CRM for transportation and how you can benefit from it. Also, you'll find a list of the six best CRMs for your industry and their characteristics.
12 min
Customer Relationship Management. Best CRM for IT
Boost Sales with CRM
Customer Relationship Management. Best CRM for IT
Since business and trade have moved to the internet, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find and retain customers and compete with the increasing numbers of service providers. In this article, we shall discuss the significance of effective CRM practices for successful business operations, particularly in the IT sector.
12 min
CRM for Education Industry
Boost Sales with CRM
CRM for Education Industry
Due to growing competitive pressure, non-profit organizations now provide high-quality services. Because universities are increasingly more customer/student-oriented and drawn by the benefits connected with them, CRM systems have started being used by non-profit organizations like them.
22 min
What's the Difference Between ERP and CRM
Boost Sales with CRM
What's the Difference Between ERP and CRM
Quite often the question arises, what is better, ERP or CRM? But this is a bit incorrect. You need to start with what your company is primarily focused on, whether it is related to sales and active work with clients or something different.
11 min
What Is Billing? CRM With Billing Functions
Boost Sales with CRM
What Is Billing? CRM With Billing Functions
Your business cannot grow and succeed without a streamlined billing process. Check out this selection of CRM systems with built in billing and invoicing.
17 min
The 5 most important tasks of a CRM specialist
Boost Sales with CRM
The 5 most important tasks of a CRM specialist
Managing customer relationships can be challenging and tricky especially considering that you’re dealing with a lot of different personalities as well as needs. These are just some of the top responsibilities for a CRM specialist. Their job description might be longer, covering more scopes of the business. Here are the 5 most important tasks of a CRM specialist.

10 min
What is CRM Analytics?
Boost Sales with CRM
What is CRM Analytics?
Modern analytical CRM tools may monitor the dynamics of sales and identify certain shortcomings and errors, so they can be quickly corrected, but you have to set the system right and keep it straight. How to manage that? Read the article!
14 min
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