
Read articles on CRM from Bitrix24

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Boost Sales with CRM
Sales & revenue growth
Data-Driven Marketing
Customer Success
Power of AI, ML & Big Data
Goal-Oriented Project Management
Effective Team Communication
High-performance teamwork
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Time Efficiency Hacks
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Find the Perfect Tool
We’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about Bitrix24 here in this article so that you could quickly find the information you’re looking for.
Boost Sales with CRM
Everything you need to know about Bitrix24
We’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about Bitrix24 here in this article so that you could quickly find the information you’re looking for.
5 min
Choosing the best eCommerce CRM: Top 5 Solutions
Boost Sales with CRM
Choosing the best eCommerce CRM: Top 5 Solutions
To bring down your operational costs, improve customer acquisition, and gather necessary data to make informed decisions you need a reliable set of eCommerce CRM software tools. Let’s find out why it’s necessary to have a CRM for an eCommerce business and examine 5 of the best systems
8 min
How to Sell More with CRM
Boost Sales with CRM
How to Sell More with CRM
If you run an Internet shop, you might want to install an online sales CRM. Such software should enable you to collect and store customer info and use it to personalize your marketing. From this article, you'll get to know what exactly a CRM can do for your online business.
7 min
TOP CRM Marketing Overview
Boost Sales with CRM
TOP CRM Marketing Overview
Marketing sometimes needs to be effective in creating a vision and opening up unexpected windows to sales. But when exactly does this happen and effective leads are produced? In this article, we help you to know more about marketing CRMs, the feature of such tools and we provide you with top programs in this regard.

16 min
The 10 Best Mobile CRMs
Boost Sales with CRM
The 10 Best Mobile CRMs
It’s no walk in the park trying to pick the right mobile CRM for you: there are budgetary concerns, usability, and so much more. We’ve put together the best mobile CRMs on the market today so you can work out the right one for you!

5 min
Workflow Solution
Boost Sales with CRM
Workflow Solution
In every area of a company, there are processes. Having a loose grasp on what those processes are means things falling through the gaps and inevitably, lost business. By adopting workflow solutions, you can tighten up every area, from the internal HR procedures to your sales funnels.
5 min
Mobile CRM: 11 Advantages for a mobile-enabled sales team
Boost Sales with CRM
Mobile CRM: 11 Advantages for a mobile-enabled sales team
Due to the revolution in the workplace, continued innovation in technology and the increase in remote work, mobile CRM has become more and more essential. To say that mobile CRM is the next generation of CRM is an understatement and here are the 6 advantages of a mobile-enabled sales team.
8 min
Work Schedules in Bitrix24
Boost Sales with CRM
Work Schedules in Bitrix24
In this article, we'll look at the various classic and new forms of working hours that are accessible. Bitrix24 is the most stoner-friendly solution for diligence and enterprises to choose, adjust, and implement necessary work schedules. Choose the most fashionable work schedule for your company.
7 min
Sales Prospecting: Tips, Techniques, & Tools to Succeed
Boost Sales with CRM
Sales Prospecting: Tips, Techniques, & Tools to Succeed
Learn about the stages and specifics of sales prospecting, discover smart tips and a list of helpful tools. These tips will help you establish a better rapport with your target audience, boost your sales and maximize your income.
11 min
Best Healthcare CRM
Boost Sales with CRM
Best Healthcare CRM
The healthcare industry is not only the one with the most fashionable equipment and medical technologies, but also the one with the best service and, most importantly, the best results.
11 min
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