
Read articles on customer service from Bitrix24

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8 Popular Mobile and Social Media Messaging Apps to Implement into Your Service Strategy
Customer Success
8 Popular Mobile and Social Media Messaging Apps to Implement into Your Service Strategy
Get to know the brief characteristics and competitive advantages of eight messaging apps that are highly popular on a global scale. We will help you feel comfortable to make an informed and impartial decision on which of these solutions you would prefer to use.
6 min
8 Benefits Of Implementing a Live Chat On Your Website
Customer Success
8 Benefits Of Implementing a Live Chat On Your Website
You might have noticed over the past few years that phone-based customer service is being replaced — quite rapidly — by live chat websites. Whether you’re a fan of them or not, it’s a good idea to think about why companies are making this switch.
5 min
How Customer Centricity Can Boost Your Business
Customer Success
How Customer Centricity Can Boost Your Business
In recent years, more and more consumers are more conscious of how and where they spend their money. They tend to look more deeply into the background of a company, its online presence. This is how customer centricity can boost your business.
6 min
Customer Relationship Management. Best CRM for IT
Customer Success
Customer Relationship Management. Best CRM for IT
Since business and trade have moved to the internet, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find and retain customers and compete with the increasing numbers of service providers. In this article, we shall discuss the significance of effective CRM practices for successful business operations, particularly in the IT sector.
12 min
7 Essential Tips for effective Remote Client Management
Customer Success
7 Essential Tips For Effective Remote Client Management
Client management demands a delicate mix of communication, honesty, and high-quality output. Working remotely should never compromise client relations since clients breathe life into the business. Here, we will touch on the 7 essential tips for effective remote client management.
6 min
How to Create a Customer Journey Map
Customer Success
How to Create a Customer Journey Map
One of the ways to find excellent ideas for increasing the number of sales in your company is to build a customer journey map. But... How?
11 min
9 Simple Effective Client Management Skills to Practice
Customer Success
9 Simple Effective Client Management Skills to Practice
Customer service has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. However, whether it’s the overused “the customer is always right”, or having a dedicated customer success department, one thing is for sure — clients are at the center of every business.

5 min
Five Rules for Successful Remote Sales With Bitrix24 CRM
Customer Success
Five Rules for Successful Remote Sales With Bitrix24 CRM
In this article, we are going to talk about the current trends and challenges of the consumer market while also focusing on the transition from physical sales to remote sales using Bitrix24 CRM.
13 min
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