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Five Rules for Successful Remote Sales With Bitrix24 CRM
Sales & revenue growth
Five Rules for Successful Remote Sales With Bitrix24 CRM
In this article, we are going to talk about the current trends and challenges of the consumer market while also focusing on the transition from physical sales to remote sales using Bitrix24 CRM.
13 min
Leading a Productive Team Meeting: 7 Essential Tips
Inspiring Leadership
Leading a Productive Team Meeting: 7 Essential Tips
Learn how you can better your team meetings with the following 7 essential tips.
5 min
How to Lead Remote Teams: 8 Tips
Goal-Oriented Project Management
How to Lead Remote Teams: 8 Tips
Understanding how to get the most out of your team while working remotely is crucial. Check out 8 tips on how to better lead your team while working from remotely.
5 min
How To Develop a Project Plan Online: 9 Steps
Goal-Oriented Project Management
How To Develop a Project Plan Online: 9 Steps
You don’t need to be a project management expert to come up with a solid plan. You only need to do 9 things with the help of a few key tools to help you execute it.
7 min
12 Essential Tips For Managing Virtual Teams
Inspiring Leadership
12 Essential Tips For Managing Virtual Teams
Managing virtual teams is no stroll in the park — you’ve got to have the right tools and strategy to succeed in a remote working environment. So, we’ve outlined our top tips for managing virtual teams to help you get started — or restarted — in a remote environment.
5 min
8 Strategies to Resolve Conflicts in Work Teams
Inspiring Leadership
8 Strategies to Resolve Conflicts in Work Teams
Conflicts in work teams are inevitable. As a manager - aka negotiator - it is crucial to make a plan on how to deal with them.
5 min
6 Tips to Align Marketing and Sales
Sales & revenue growth
6 Tips to Align Marketing and Sales
If you want to help your sales and marketing teams reach their goals and thereby boost the company revenue, aligning these two departments is the most ideal way to do it.
5 min
7 Techniques For Workload Management
Goal-Oriented Project Management
7 Techniques For Workload Management
As a leader, you have the immense responsibility to keep your team members focused, productive, and on track. Balancing your team’s workload is no easy endeavor, but there are ways and tools to help you manage it effectively.
5 min
Project Management in Small Businesses: Why is it important?
Goal-Oriented Project Management
Project Management in Small Businesses: Why is it important?
Project management is a must-tool for businesses of any size. And when it comes to managing a business, effectiveness and efficiency, it’s never about size - it's about working smart.
6 min
Optimizing work processes in the office: 8 tips
Goal-Oriented Project Management
Optimizing work processes in the office: 8 tips
We encourage you to take a look through the following tools and best practices before choosing which will be the most practical and effective to use in your company.
6 min
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